It is very easy to register and activate your product through our website and the Arturia Software Center.
For a step-by-step registration and activation process, please read the following FAQ article:
If you have purchased the Full license of Augmented STRINGS, please follow these simple steps to activate the Full version:
- Open your Arturia Software Center
- Click on the "Activate" button in front of your Augmented STRINGS instrument:
- Open your Augmented STRINGS instrument (restart if already open)
- Augmented STRINGS is activated!
We have an entire FAQ article dedicated to MIDI Polyphonic Expression and MPE Compatibility. Please check it out to know if your software title is compatible, and learn how to enable the MPE feature.
Drag and drop from the any modulator to the desired parameter.
You can assign up to 4 destinations per modulator.
To use the main Morph to modulate the destination of your choice, simply drag and drop any modulable parameter to the Morph strip:
Click on any modulator to know what you can assign to it, and how many slots are available:

Augmented STRINGS offers a smart display of modulations options.
Modulators are automatically greyed out if there is no available destination on the current page:

Augmented STRINGS lets you set up to 2 sample engines + 2 synth engines working in parallel.

Click on the engine slot of your choice, and select from the menu the preset of your choice:
By clicking on the 6-dot icon, you can drag and drop the engines to the slot of your choice:
Beside the macro of your choice, drag and drop the curve icon to bend the modulation curve:
Augmented STRINGS offers 2 pages of FXs:
- FX Layers: assigns FXs dedicated to specific layer (A or B)
- FX Main: assigns FXs to the master of Augmented STRINGS
To free up some hard drive space, you can change your resources folder location from the Arturia Software Center (ASC)!
To do this, refer to the following instructions :
- In the Arturia Software Center, go to "Preferences".
- Open the "Folders" section and click on "Browse".
- Read and acknowledge the warning message.
- In your browser, select a new location for your "Resources" folder and click “Open” to initiate the transfer.
- Wait while the files are copied, this process can take up to one hour.
/!\ During the transfer process, do not disconnect your internet connection /!\
- The transfer process ends after 90%. For the final 10% of the process, Arturia Software Center will remove all files from the previous location. When doing so, the “Cancel” button will temporarily disappear to ensure that the process is completed without interruption.