This exciting application of the MIDI protocol allows a Keyboard controller to send polyphonic expressive controls (like pitch-bend, aftertouch, or your finger location on the axis of a key) on a per-note basis.
This is done by using separate MIDI channels to carry each note’s expressive data separately.
This data is then interpreted by other hardware or software synthesizers.
To activate the MPE on your PolyBrute 12:
- 1) Click on the "Settings" button.
- 2) Enter the "MIDI" menu.
- 3) Enter the "MPE" menu.
- 4) Enter the "MPE On/Off" menu.
- 5) Choose if you want to send, receive, or both send and receive the MPE data.
In Split Mode, the "Channel Count" selected will be the number of channels/voices allocated for the PolyBrute 12's Upper Zone. The remaining channels/voices will be allocated to the PolyBrute 12's Lower Zone.
Keep in mind that the PolyBrute's Upper Zone will use the MPE Lower Zone whereas the PolyBrute's Lower Zone will use the MPE Upper Zone.
First, you'll have to enable the “PolyBrute MIDI” port in the Live Settings.
Simply do so by ticking the "Track" and "MPE" boxes for the Input (In) and Output (Out).
From there, the process will depend on the timbrality mode (either Single or Split).
→ In "Single" timbrality mode:
- 1) Instantiate a PolyBrute Connect VST on a MIDI Track.
- 2) Select the "Enable MPE mode" option by right-clicking on the VST container.
- 3) Create an Audio Track, and select the right audio inputs (the ones for listening to PolyBrute Audio).
- 4) Set the MIDI Monitor Options to "Off" on the PolyBrute Connect track.
→ In “Split” timbrality mode:
- 1) On the hardware unit, go to "Settings/MIDI/MPE/Channel Count", and select 7 (if you want equal voices for both lower and upper split).
- 2) In Ableton Live create 2 MIDI tracks. One for lower split and one for upper split.
- 3) For each track, select PolyBrute MIDI as MIDI output.
- 4) Click on the drop-down menu just below, and select "MPE".
- 5) Reopen the same drop-down menu, and then click on the "MPE Settings".
- 6) For the lower split track, set the "MPE Upper Zone" to Channel 10.
- 7) For the upper split track, set the "MPE Lower Zone" to channel 2.
First, you'll have to activate your "PolyBrute MIDI" input port.
To do so:
- 1) Open Reaper Preferences menu, and go to "Audio/Midi Devices".
- 2) Right-click on "Arturia - PolyBrute12 - PolyBrute MIDI" port in the "MIDI Inputs" section, and select "Configure device".
- 3) Tick "Enable input from this device", and "Enable input for control messages".
- 4) Right-click on the "Arturia - PolyBrute12 - PolyBrute MIDI" port in the "MIDI outputs" section, and select "Configure device".
- 5) Tick "Enable output to this device" and "Send clock to this device".
→ In "Single" timbrality mode :
- 1) Create a Track, and set the PolyBrute MIDI port as input.
- 2) Set as Midi Channel "All".
- 3) Instantiate a PolyBrute Connect on this track.
- 4) Create an Audio Track, and select the right audio inputs (the one for listening for PolyBrute Audio).
- 5) Turn off the PolyBrute Connect’s track MIDI monitoring.
→ Finally, in "Split" timbrality mode:
On the Hardware Unit, go to "Settings/MIDI/MPE/Channel Count", and select 7 (if you want equal voices for both lower and upper split).
First, you'll have to activate your “PolyBrute MIDI” input port.
To do so:
- 1) Open the Bitwig Preferences menu, and go to the "Settings/Controllers" menu.
- 2) Click on "Add Controller", and select "Midi Keyboard".
- 3) Select the "PolyBrute12 - PolyBrute MIDI" port.
- 4) Click on "Synchronization" on the left panel.
- 5) Click on the "Enable Midi Clock" button, in front of the "PolyBrute12 - PolyBrute MIDI" port in the MIDI Sync (OUT) section.
→ Then, in "Single" timbrality mode:
- 1) Create a Track, and set the "PolyBrute MIDI" port as input.
- 2) Set the Midi Monitor Options to "Off".
- 3) Set the Output MIDI Channel to "Same".
- 4) Instantiate a PolyBrute Connect on this track.
- 5) Create an Audio Track, and select the right audio inputs (the one for listening for PolyBrute Audio).
In “Split” timbrality mode :
On the Hardware Unit, go to "Settings/MIDI/MPE/Channel Count", and select 7 (if you want equal voices for both lower and upper split).
First, you'll have to activate your “PolyBrute MIDI” input port.
To do so:
- 1) Open Cubase, and go to the "Studio/Studio Setup/Midi Port Setup" menu.
- 2) Tick the "Visible" option for "PolyBrute12 PolyBrute MIDI" port in both the "In" and "Out" sections
- 3) Tick "In 'All Midi Inputs'" for "PolyBrute12 PolyBrute MIDI" port in the "In" section (if you would like to have it always considered when selecting "All Midi Inputs" option on your track).
- 4) Make sure to untick all the other options for "PolyBrute12 PolyBrute VST" port, and then click "OK".
- 5) Now, open the "Transport/Project Synchronisation Setup" menu, and open the "Destinations" tab.
- 6) Tick "PolyBrute12 PolyBrute MIDI" in the "MIDI Clock Destinations" section, and "Midi Clock Follows Project Position" in the "MIDI Clock Preferences".
→ Then, in "Single" timbrality mode :
- 1) In the MIDI Settings, untick the "PolyBrute VST" port.
- 2) Create an instrument track.
- 3) Select "PolyBrute Connect" in the "Instrument section", and "PolyBrute12 PolyBrute MIDI" port as the input device (Selecting here an Audio Output won’t be mandatory as “PolyBrute Connect” won’t produce any sound by itself).
- 4) Click on "Add Track".
- 5) In the Inspector section of the track, select "Any" as Input and output channels.
- 6) Create an Audio Track, and select the right Audio inputs (the one for listening for PolyBrute Audio) and Audio Outputs.
- 7) When you want to record, arm the PolyBrute Connect track, and bypass the PolyBrute Connect VST.
- 8) When you want to playback your MIDI track, reactivate the PolyBrute Connect VST and unarm your track.
→ Finally, in "Split" timbrality mode :
On the Hardware Unit, go to "Settings/MIDI/MPE/Channel Count", and select 7 (if you want equal voices for both lower and upper split).
First, you'll have to activate your "PolyBrute MIDI" input port.
To do so:
- 1) Open Studio One, and go to the "Studio One/Preferences/External Devices" menu.
- 2) Click on the "Add…" button, and select "New Keyboard".
- 3) Edit the "Device Name" for clarity, and select the "PolyBrute12 PolyBrute MIDI" port in both "Receive From" and "Send To" menus.
- 4) Enable MPE with a Pitch Range of 48 Semitones, and click on "OK".
- 5) Tick "Send MIDI Clock", and click on "OK".
- 6) You should obtain the following result, then click on "OK".
→ Then, in "Single" timbrality mode :
We would recommend using the VST2 version of the PolyBrute Connect with Studio One.
- 1) In case the VST3 version was installed, make sure to open the "Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/VST3" folder, and to delete the "PolyBrute Connect.vst3" file.
- 2) Then, open the "Studio One/Preferences/Advanced/Services" Tab, and click on "I’ll be careful, I promise!".
- 3) Click on "VST 2.4 Plug-In Support" and on the "Enable" button (if not already enabled), and then on "Yes" to force Studio One to restart.
- 4) Create an instrument track, name it "PolyBrute Connect", select "PolyBrute 12 / Any" (or "New Keyboard" if the device was not renamed) as Input and "PolyBrute Connect" VST as Output, and click on "OK".
- 5) Open the PolyBrute Connect GUI with the Keyboard icon.
- 6) On the top left corner of the VST window, click on the PolyBrute Connect Drop down menu, and select the "Enable MPE" option.
- 7) Turn off the PolyBrute Connect’s track MIDI monitoring.
- 8) Create an Audio Track, and select the right audio inputs (E.G here on Inputs 1&2).
First, you'll have to activate your “PolyBrute MIDI” input port.
To do so:
- 1) Open Logic Pro and go to the “Settings/Midi/Inputs” tab.
- 2) Untick “PolyBrute12 PolyBrute VST” port to only let “PolyBrute12 PolyBrute MIDI” port enabled.
- 3) Then, open the “Sync” tab, and click on “MIDI Sync Project settings”.
- 4) Select “PolyBrute12 PolyBrute MIDI” port in the “Destination” section, and tick the “Clock” option in front of it.
In “Single” timbrality mode :
- 1) Create a “Software instrument” track, click on “Details”, select “PolyBrute Connect” in the “Instrument” section and “No Output” in the “Audio Output” section.
Here, selecting an Audio Output won’t be mandatory as “PolyBrute Connect” won’t produce any sound by itself.
- 2) Now select “PolyBrute12 PolyBrute MIDI” port as “Midi Input” in the track Inspector section.
- 3) Create an Audio Track, and select the right audio inputs and outputs (e.g., here with Inputs 1&2 for PolyBrute signal and Outputs 1&2 for Speakers)
- 4) When you want to record, arm the PolyBrute Connect and Audio tracks and bypass the PolyBrute Connect VST.
- 5) When you want to playback your MIDI track, reactivate the PolyBrute Connect VST.