- Open the MIDI Control Center
- If your KeyStep Pro is not up to date, you will be prompted with the following pop-up
- Click on Install
- Click OK and wait for the update process to complete>
- Head to the firmware revision button and click on it.
- Click on Download Latest or Upgrade from File
- If you clicked "Upgrade from File", select the firmware file
- Wait for the update process to complete
- The firmware file can be found on the KeyStep Pro resources page
MASTER (Internal)
When used as the master clock, KeyStep Pro will clock, start and stop the slaved devices in the chain.
The clock and start/stop messages are transmitted both through USB, MIDI and Clock outputs.
To set your KeyStep Pro as the master device:
- Go to the Utility menu
- Sync > Input
- Source: And set it to Internal
When used as a slave, KeyStep Pro will listen to the clock, start and stop messages from the master device, either from its USB, MIDI or Clock inputs.
Depending on your setup, this implies to select from which Clock Source your KeyStep Pro shall be slaved
To do that:
- Go to the Utility menu
- Sync > Input
- Source
- And select the source of your choice depending of your setup:
KeyStep pro will listen to all the clock sources and sync automatically when a source is detected.
You may want to use this mode in the most simple setups.
KeyStep Pro will only listen to the MIDI IN port and ignore the other sources.
In this case, make sure the MIDI cable carrying the master clock is plugged to your KeyStep Pro MIDI Input. .
KeyStep Pro will only listen to the USB port and ignore the other sources.
In this case, make sure to send a MIDI clock from your DAW to the KeyStep Pro MIDI port.
KeyStep Pro will only listen to the CLOCK IN port and ignore the other sources.
Depending on the devices you are using, you will need to select the appropriate Clock Rate for the tempo to match correctly, this can be done from the Utility menu: Sync > Input > Source > Clock Rate.
This is the hard drive of the KeyStep Pro.
Datas are stored in the flash memory the same way your music, pictures and any files are stored on your computer hard drive.
When loading a project, the project is loaded from the flash memory into the RAM.
This is the working memory of the KeyStep Pro. When loading a project, the project is loaded from the Flash memory into the RAM.
Edits done on the RAM such as creating or modifying patterns are not secured unless you save them in the flash.
Note that if you don’t save changes made on a project, the changes will be lost when:
- Loading another project
- Turning off the machine
Saving your patterns, tracks and projects.
As explained above, If you don’t want to lose any pattern, track, or project you are currently working on, it is very important to save your work into the flash memory.
To save you work, you can proceed by different ways:
- Patterns: Your pattern will be saved in the flash memory (Press Save + Pattern + Step button)
- Tracks: Your track patterns will be saved in the flash memory (Press Save + Track button)
- Project: Your whole project will be saved in the flash memory (Press Save + Project button)
The KeyStep Pro CV outputs can be set to various settings configurations to make sure it will suit most setups, whether it is composed of modern or vintage synthesisers.
The CV settings can be modified from the Utility > CV Settings or from the MIDI Control Center.
CV PITCH Settings
Range: The KeyStep Pro CV Pitch Out range goes from 0 to 10V. (It cannot output negative values)Octave Tracking: To allow a correct pitch tracking on most devices, the pitch output scaling can be set to the following modes:
- 1Volt / Octave (Moog, Roland, Oberheim®, Sequential Circuits, ARP, Eurorack…)
- Hertz per Volt (Some Korg and Yamaha synths)
- 1.2 Volt / Octave (Buchla)
Base MIDI Note: Lets you define the 0V MIDI note for each Pitch Output.
GATE Settings
- V-Trig 5V or 12V: Positive Gate//Trigger
- S-Trig: Negative Gate/Trigger
MOD Settings
- Velocity
- Pressure (Channel pressure)
MOD CV Max Voltage:Lets you define the MOD Output max voltage range between:
- 1 to 10V
DRUM Gates Settings
- V-Trig 5V
- V-Trig 12V
- S-Trig
- 1 PP16
- 2 PPQ
- 48 PPQ
- 24 PPQ
- 1 PP16
- 1 PP8
- 1 PP4
- 1 PP2
- 1 PPB
- 2 PPQ
- 48 PPQ
- 24 PPQ
Creating a scene is made by capturing and saving the current state of your KeyStep Pro tracks, such as:
- The pattern number
- The track type
- The active chains
- The mute state
- etc...
To change a track output MIDI channels within the current project, use the following shortcut: Hold Track + Turn browsing encoder.
Per default, a track MIDI channel is set to "Global". This is the track's channel defined in the Utility menu.
When a track MIDI channel is set to any other value than Global, the shortcut changes the current Project track MIDI channel to the specified value.