Even if it looks like the waveforms in the SQ80 Waveforms bank and the Transwaves bank are identical, there are notable differences between the two sets.
The SQ80 Waveforms bank collects all waveforms from the original SQ80 played through an SQ80 Oscillator recreation.
These waveforms are single-cycle waves or one-shot waves.
Mixing one-shot percussive waveforms with other sustained single-cycle waves is the base of the Ensoniq Crosswave Synthesis.
The Transwaves, on the other hand, are based on latter Ensoniq synthesizers like the VFX.
The original VFX transwaves are all waves ending in -X and the four resonant waveforms at the end of the list.
You can use the white fader on the visualizer to change the transwave positions and move on the wavetable index.
We also included all SQ80 waves into the Transwaves bank to get even more creative and experimental.
With SQ80 waves, the transwave position behave like a pulse width modulation.
The “Hidden Waves” banks contain waveforms that brings to mind the unpredictable and unstable waveforms played on the ESQ-1 and the SQ80 thanks to a hack.
They can give quite unmusical but quite ambient sounding results, and they are a great source of experimentation.

On the contrary, when Reassign is OFF, if a key is played again before the note has died away, a new Voice will be assigned to it, and the first Voice will continue to play.

They can also be switched to MSEG (Multi Segment Envelop Generator) or DADSR (Delay, Attack, Decay, Sustain, and Release) modes.
You can easily switch between these modes by clicking on the ‘Mode’ drop-down menu.
Note: Envelope 4 is hardwired to the DCA 4.
The delay is the time difference between the initial value and the amp value, and it fades in/out slower or faster based on this difference.
It's set up a bit differently with 1 being when the changes operated happen very fast, when it gets closer to 0 it gets slower, and it stops at 0.
It is just like the original SQ80 hardware.
You can choose between ALL and HELD.
When selecting ALL, the Pitchbend Wheel will affect all currently played voices.
When selecting HELD, the Pitchbend Wheel will ONLY affect the notes currently being held down.