The KORG MS-20 V can be triggered by an external audio source.
You must first define this audio source as the sidechain input of your plugin. Please refer to the manual of your favorite DAW, as this varies depending on the DAW you are using.
Please note that some DAW are not offering sidechaining feature, more info in the "DAW Compatibility" section of this article.
Once the sidechain is properly set, the audio signal is patchable inside the KORG MS-20 V plugin in patch panel, from "Ext Out".
Below is an example, using Ableton, an routing the Audio In into the External Signal Processor of the KORG MS-20 V.
In order to route an audio signal into the KORG MS-20 V, your DAW needs to support sidechaining on virtual instruments.
Unfortunately, at this time, a few DAWs don’t offer this feature.
Please find the non-compatible DAW list below:
- FL Studio
- Studio One
- Garage Band
- Komplete Kontrol