We fortunately have a dedicated FAQ section to installation, registration, and activation issues: Install, register, activate.
In this section, the How to register, install and activate my product article might be of particular interest to you.
When working with Dist TUBE-CULTURE, you may find more than one ideal setting, and it can be hard to choose between them. The A / B switch allows you to quickly jump from A to B to A and so forth.

Those two settings can be your own creations or presets or any mix thereof.
Please note, that when you save a project and later re-open it, only the latest state shown will be remembered.
Here is an example:
- You work on A, and tweak settings.
- You go to B, and tweak other settings.
- You stay on B, save your project, and then close your DAW.
- Finally, you reopen your project.
In this situation, you will see that:
- A is now deleted and replaced by B at reopening.
- B is now blank.
Basically, the last seen settings are saved by the DAW.
The L/R and M/S stereo feature was designed with the will to keep some mid information while processing the side.
This is completely normal.