Dear users,
Here is the FAQ article dedicated to the Firmware V5 update of the MicroFreak.
Please read carefully the "Update to Firmware V5" section and the "How to Import User Samples" section before proceeding with the update.
General recommendations
- It is more reliable to power the MicroFreak with its dedicated 12V 1A DC power supply, in addition to the USB connection.
- The MicroFreak should be connected directly to your computer, with no USB hub in the middle.
The Arturia team worked on a lot of new features and content for FW 5.0 of your MicroFreak, including:
- 4 sample-based oscillators: Sample, Scan Grains, Cloud Grains, and Hit Grains
- a Samples tab in the MIDI Control Center
- a new preset bank, and 52 factory samples
- the expansion of the preset slots up to 512
- an optimized Utility menu
- a Key/Arp Mode generating a new random value for each key pressed when "Random" is selected
- Envelope Snap options to create a sharper decay on the envelope
Before moving on, please note that the update to Firmware V5 is a two-part update. First, your MicroFreak will be updated to firmware V5. Then, the MIDI Control Center will reconnect to start the second phase. Please wait for the MCC to reopen. In the second phase, the factory samples will be transferred to your MicroFreak. Please keep your MicroFreak ON and connected throughout the entirety of the two phases of the update, until the full update is complete.
If you have already installed the MCC, it will automatically update to the latest version.
Once the MCC has updated by itself, and that your MicroFreak is connected to your computer, you'll be notified that a new firmware update is available.
Please click on Install.
Once the firmware update is complete, please do not unplug the MicroFreak. The update will move on to the second phase, with the MCC reopening and a new pop-up window about the transfer of samples appearing on screen.
This is the second phase of the update for this firmware V5 of MicroFreak.
Please click on OK to transfer the factory samples library inside the MicroFreak.
Once the transfer is complete, you've completed the two-phase update.
Finally, to take full advantage of the update, you should also send the new Factory preset from V5 to your MicroFreak.
To best way to do so is to drag-and-drop the new presets on empty preset slots in your MicroFreak.
You can use Shift + click to select multiple presets at a time.
You can also use the "Send to MicroFreak" button, but it will erase the presets you have on your MicroFreak, and will replace them with these new Factory presets.
With Firmware V5 comes four sample-based oscillators, and factory samples.

If you want to go further, you can also import your own samples.
The Factory presets from V5 rely on V5 Factory samples. Please be careful when importing your own samples.
To do so:

You can either import samples individually at the .mfsz/.wav/.aiff format, or import a whole new bank.
You can use Shift + click to select multiple samples at a time.

With the drag-and-drop feature, you can import your own samples on empty sample slots. This way, the factory samples on your MicroFreak will be preserved.

Transferring samples from the MCC to your MicroFreak may take several minutes. Please do not power off or disconnect your MicroFreak while the samples are being transferred.
It is possible that at some point the Device memory reach full capacity. You'll then be offered with the option of defragmenting the memory so that the sample(s) can fit.

Just like warned in the pop-up window, defragmenting may take several minutes. Please do not power off or disconnect your MicroFreak while the samples are being transferred.
If you want to go further, you can also import your own samples.
The Factory presets from V5 rely on V5 Factory samples. Please be careful when importing your own samples.
To do so:
- First, create a User bank using the "New Bank" button.
- Once this is done, you can import your own samples in the User bank.
You can either import samples individually at the .mfsz/.wav/.aiff format, or import a whole new bank.
- Finally, you can either drag and drop individual samples from the MIDI Control Center directly into the MicroFreak.
You can use Shift + click to select multiple samples at a time.
With the drag-and-drop feature, you can import your own samples on empty sample slots. This way, the factory samples on your MicroFreak will be preserved.
- Or you can use the "Send to MicroFreak" button to send the whole bank to your MicroFreak, but it will overwrite the existing samples on the MicroFreak.
Transferring samples from the MCC to your MicroFreak may take several minutes. Please do not power off or disconnect your MicroFreak while the samples are being transferred.
It is possible that at some point the Device memory reach full capacity. You'll then be offered with the option of defragmenting the memory so that the sample(s) can fit.
Just like warned in the pop-up window, defragmenting may take several minutes. Please do not power off or disconnect your MicroFreak while the samples are being transferred.
If you have any further questions, feel free to contact us.