The KEYSTEP can be synced with 4 different clock modes:
The KEYSTEP supports 5 different analog clock rates:
- 24 PPQ (Pulses per quarter note)
- 48 PPQ
The clock sync rates can be modified through the midi control center
(More details on our article: keystep - how to synchronize my keystep with an analog clock)
To change the master clock source, you have to use the “Dip Switches” in the back panel.
Warning: Remember to always reboot your KEYSTEP after any clock source change.
In this mode, the KEYSTEP generates the source clock and is accordingly master of your setup.
The clock is sent through:
- MIDI out
- Sync out
You can use this mode to play your sequences or Arpeggios from the KEYSTEP on your favorites synths & virtual plugins.
In USB mode, your KEYSTEP is now slave of the midi clock coming from MIDI-USB.
Master clock can be generated by your favorite DAW, and must be routed to the KEYSTEP USB MIDI input.
In MIDI mode, your KEYSTEP is slaved by the clock coming from an external midi device through MIDI Din.
The device can be a synth or a drum machine, assuming that the device generates a MIDI clock.
You have to plug a MIDI Din cable from the MIDI OUT of your midi device to the MIDI IN of your KEYSTEP.
This mode allows you to set the source clock on an external device, which generates an analog clock.
We have adapted the DIN SYNC standard on TRS 3.5 mm cables, as described in the picture below
You have to plug a 3.5mm TRS Jack cable from sync out of your device to the sync input of your KEYSTEP.