We are aware that on a few DrumBrute units, certain drum sounds change with prolonged use, and now do not sound the way they were originally intended.
Since discovering this unusual behaviour in a few units, we at Arturia have set up a smooth, pain-free way for you to get your DrumBrute beating with its original tone again in a timely manner.
If you have noticed a change in the tone of your DrumBrute Snare, Clap, Tambourine, and Maracas sounds, your unit may be experiencing this fault.
If you are experiencing this issue, don't worry, we are extending the warranty of your DrumBrute.
Beside that, we are comitted to provide you with the best possible solutions to get your Drumbrute back on track.
Not sure if your unit is affected?
Please go to your My Products page, and make sure your DrumBrute is registered on your account.
If your DrumBrute is part of the units potentially affected by the issue:
As below, a "Assistance Available" message will be displayed in your DrumBrute tab:
To get some help, open the DrumBrute tab by clicking on "More info" and hit the "Request Assistance" button.
Finally, fill the information requested in the form to help us get back to you with the most appropriate solutions.
Auditioning the defective sounds
The below players will let you hear how sound the instruments when these are affected by the problem.
Additionaly, by toggling the switch, you can listen to the sound as it is originally supposed to be.
/!\ Be careful not to damage your ears, toggling the switches will drastically increase the volume /!\
Toggle to listen to the normal Clap sound.
Defectuous Clap:
Toggle to listen to the normal Maracas sound.
Defectuous Maracas:
Toggle to listen to the normal Snare sound.
Defectuous Snare:
Toggle to listen to the normal Tambourine sound.
Defectuous Tambourine: