Besides the available modulator waveforms, CZ V lets you edit your own wave shapes.
Please check the below instructions on how to proceed.
1. From the Line panel, please click on one of the two wave periods
2. Click on the Custom window to open the wave editor.
3. The editor lets you modify the modulator transfer function to shape the waveform.
4. In case you raised the DCW knob, the edition will be directly applied to the Carrier, which can be visualised from the oscilloscope.
Arturia’s multiple-segment envelopes have the particularity to be syncable and loopable.
Please check the below instructions on how to proceed.
1. From the envelope panel, make sure to set your envelope mode to MSEG.
2. Click on the Loop button at the bottom of the envelope panel.
3. The editor lets you modify the modulator transfer function to shape the waveform.
4. In case you raised the DCW knob, the change will be directly applied to the Carrier, which can be visualised from the oscilloscope.
The macros are very useful tools that let you modulate several parameters with one control.
See below how to create your own:
See below how to create your own:
1. From the Modulation panel, set the Macro 1 as a modulation source.
2. Set as modulation destinations the parameters you wish to control with the Macro.
3. Define a modulation amount for each parameter.
4. Raise or lower the Macro slider will now modify all the parameters assigned simultaneously.
If you have any further questions, feel free to contact us.