To get started with Ableton Live Lite, you can either check the video below, or follow the steps found at the end of this article.
To start with the Ableton installation process, please go to "My Product" section on Arturia website.
Once logged in, find your Arturia product bundled with Ableton, and click on the "See More" button:
Then, click on "Get Ableton Live Lite activation code":
A "Download here" link will pop-up, next to your activation code:
From then, open the installer, and simply follow the instructions from Ableton!
Alternatively, you can register and download Ableton Live Lite directly through the Ableton website.
If you do not yet have an Ableton account, you can create one here.
Once this is done, please log in to your account.
Finally, enter your registration code here.
The registration code is the one you get when logged in your Arturia account, after you click on the "Get Ableton Live Lite activation code" button. We've described this process at the beginning of the article.