When updating to version 2.0, your MatrixBrute presets will be automatically converted to the 2.0 format. However, there is no way to convert a 2.0 preset to the 1.0 format.
While we are sure you'll love the changes version 2.0 brings, we would advise you to backup your presets before updating your MatrixBrute, just in case you ever want to roll back to version 1.0.
From now on, you won't need a computer to configure MatrixBrute's parameters.
With the 2.0 update, a Settings mode has been introduced that lets you edit all the MatrixBrute parameters directly from the front panel.
To enter the Settings mode, press PRESET + SEQ + MOD.
Use the Sequences Step/Octave arrows to browse the available parameters, while the Sequencer screen lets you see the currently selected parameter.
Use the Preset arrows to browse the available values, while the Preset screen lets you see the currently selected parameter.
A selected parameter block is fully lit, while the rest of the parameters are dim-lit. For each parameter block, the selected value is purple.
Custom Waveform
You can now use the wave selector buttons to access the LFO's custom waveform. This new waveshape is located between the Sinus and the Smoothed Sample and Hold.
When selected, all the waveform LEDs are lit.
Time Divisions
When the LFOs are Synced to the sequencer, you can now set their division to Standard, Triplet or Dotted.
Hold Seq-Sync and press the sequencer time division buttons lets you check and change the LFO's division.
Custom Waveform Edition
The Matrix will let you draw your own bipolar waveform.
Blue steps result in a step sequencer approach with sharp changes between each values.
Red steps add some smoothing between each value change.
Thanks to this mode, you can:
- Edit a preset and check if changes made are satisfying compared to the initial saved state. (A > B)
- Preview a preset slot prior saving to make sure you will not overwrite a sound that you like.
- The selected preset slot is purple lit.
- The previewed preset slot blinks in blue.
- The Preset screen displays the currently previewed preset
- Press other slots to preview them.
- Save the selected preset (purple) in the slot of your choice.
- Quit the preview mode by pressing Preset.
See the major changes below:
BPM Adjustment
The sequencer tempo can now be adjusted in whole and decimal numbers.
Hold Tap and turn the rate knob to adjust the tempo in whole number increments.
Rotate sequence
This function lets the user rotate the content of a sequence.
Hold TAP + press [<] or [>] rotates the steps included in the step length to the left/right.
Extend & Duplicate sequence
It’s now possible to double the content of a sequence.
To do that, hold Seq Length and press [>], this action will copy the steps content and double the sequence length.
When doubled, a 16 steps sequence will become a 32 step sequence. Which if doubled again, will become a 64 step sequence.
Display & Edit step notes
When a step is selected the sequencer screen now lets you visualise the step note. Additionally, you can edit the step note by holding a Step slot and turning the Mod Amount knob/pressing a key.
This also works with tied notes, by pressing two step slots and turning the Mod amount knob/pressing a key.
Delete step blocks
You can now delete a block of steps located on the same row by pressing two slots from the right to the left.
Keyboard play
To reduce the distance between tweaking a sound and being creative, you can now freely play the MatrixBrute keyboard when the sequencer is enabled with an empty sequence.
Legato recording
When recording in real time, if Legato is set to ON in the Play Control section, any legato play will be recorded as ties in the sequencer.
If you don't want legatos to be recorded, simply set Legato to OFF in the play Control section.
Modulation Recording
Modulation recording in real-time has been reworked and is now easier to use. When REC and Play are on, recording will occur from the first step where Mod Amount has been tweaked and will stop just before the step where you started the modulation recording.
Once the loop finishes, the Record button turns off and real-time recording ends.
Arpeggiator Velocity
The velocity of each note is now recorded when playing arpeggios, giving more expressive results when the velocity is mapped to some parameters in the modulation matrix.
New Features
- Standalone settings mode (Press PRESET + SEQ + MOD)
- Preset compare mode (Hold PRESET + Press preset slot)
- Custom waveform LFO (Hold LFO < + > to edit the waveform)
- LFO triplet and dotted divisions (Hold LFO SEQ-Sync + Press SEQ note, triplet or dotted)
- Access 4 pages of custom modulation destinations (16 custom destinations)
- Sequencer : Rotate sequence (Hold Tap + press SEQ < or >)
- Sequencer : Extend & duplicate sequence (Hold SEQ length + press SEQ >)
- Sequencer : Selected step note is now shown on the display
- Sequencer : New step edition methods (Hold one step/two steps + turn Mod knob)
- Sequencer : Multi-step erase (Hold two steps from the right to the left)
- Sequencer : BPM adjustment in whole numbers (Hold tap + turn Rate)
- In Duo-Split glide can be applied to the upper part (Hold Voice mode + Press Glide ON/OFF)
- Pitch-wheel dead zone can now be edited (MCC / Standalone settings)
- Glide mode selection (Rate/Time)
- Bipolar Audio Mod knobs could not be modulated when in their center position. Modulations now apply to the counter-clockwise routing.
- Various Panel mode improvements and fixes
- Panel button combo shortcuts can now be released in any order
- Init preset minor improvements
- Local Control state is now maintained on power-up, can be edited with Standalone Settings
- Sequencer : Keyboard can now be played when sequencer is ON with an empty sequence
- Sequencer : Reworked real-time modulation recording, stops after one cycle
- Sequencer : Legato can now be recorded in real time when legato is ON
- Sequencer : Reworked editing of notes and Seq Mod across modes (step recording, real-time recording, recording OFF)
- Sequencer : Stays in sync when changing preset
- Sequencer : Reworked editing of notes and Seq Mod across modes (step recording, real-time recording, recording OFF)
- Sequencer : Press record now enables the sequencer
- Arpeggiator : Velocity value per note
- Arpeggiator : Record can no longer be enabled in Arp and Matrix-Arp
- Velocity curves improvement
- Expression & Sustain pedal handling improvement
- VCO Coarse LED behavior improvement
- MIDI, USB and Clock Sync are now tight
- Sequencer now starts on time at any tempo
- LFOs are now stable when tempo-synced
- Clock out is no longer reseted to 48 ppq when USB slaved
- All parameters are now properly initialized when loading a preset
- Various Duo-Split mode fixes (Glide, Sequencer, Legato)
- Seq Mod steps can now be properly edited
- Save in Panel mode is now consistent
- VC01 < Noise > VCF1 knob behavior now targets the right destination
- Switching Key Hold OFF doesn't silence the currently played notes
- When playing with record On, Tap Tempo doensn't modify the seq length anymore
- No more risk to be stuck between Preset and Panel mode
- No more note OFF when note velocity value is 0
- OSC3 waveform browsing is no longer inverted
- CC handling improvements : Parameters are now properly sent and received
- Preset, SEQ and Mod buttons are now properly responding when the sequencer is playing
- Compare parameter offset no longer displays the preset page upon release
- In Duo-Split lower and upper MIDI channel can now be properly adjusted