Before proceeding with any calibration phases make sure to first check the following aspects:
The operating temperature range of the instrument should be 15°-35° C (59°-95° F).
1. Make sure to set the Global “Fine Tune” knob to center position (located in the right section of the PolyBrute aside of the “Phones” volume knob):
2. Make sure to also let the unit warm up during at least 25 minutes to have the oscillators stabilised, and check if the tuning is fine or not after loading an Init patch.
To do so:
- Press both the "Panel" Left arrow and the "Presets" button at the same time.
- You should then see "Init" displayed on the screen to confirm that the correct preset is now properly loaded:
- Then confirm if the tuning seem to be fine by depressing the same note six times (for all the 6 voices to be cycled), and to confirm if any of them do not seem to be behaving as it should.
3. Make sure also that your unit is updated to the very latest firmware revision.
To check for your current version and update your unit firmware, make sure to refer to our dedicated FAQ article: PolyBrute - Firmware Update.
Also make sure to download the PolyBrute Connect.
4. Then make sure to also try to proceed with a Factory reset of the unit.
In order to proceed with a "Factory reset" of your PolyBrute, please refer to the steps below:
- First, even if your presets shouldn't be altered, make sure to backup your presets as a safety measure through the "PolyBrute Connect" utility.
- Once done, you can then proceed with the Factory reset.
- To reach this screen, please:
- Press the "Settings" button,
- Choose option "8" (Misc),
- And finally, choose option "2" (Factory reset).
From there, the unit parameters should be reverted to their default values.
If you see this message on the unit display on startup, make sure to always confirm the calibration immediately for the unit to store further calibration values related to your ambient temperatures.
After having stored enough calibration values on each power sequence, you shouldn't see these messages being displayed anymore (as long as there are no significant ambient temperature changes).
From the unit itself, you should be able to proceed with calibration phases which should usually help resolving most of the issues observed with VCOs, VCFs and VCAs.
To do that, you'll have to reach the Voice Auto-Tuning screen.
Here is how to reach it:
- Press "Settings"
- Press button "8" (Misc)
- Press button "3" (Voice Auto-Tuning)
Now, use button “1” to tune the oscillators, use button “2” to calibrate the filters, or button “3” to do both along with the VCAs.
In case wrong values may have been possibly stored, and if the usual calibration phase isn’t helping, it may be worth to also attempt to restore Factory calibration values to confirm if this helps.
To do so, you'll have to reach the Voice Auto-Tuning screen.
Here is how to reach it:
- Press "Settings"
- Press button "8" (Misc)
- Press button "3" (Voice Auto-Tuning)
- Press button "4" (Restore)
Once done, give it another try to confirm if this helps.
If any problem persists, you may have to proceed with a few calibrations phases of the VCO and VCF afterwards, before giving it another try.
If facing recurring “Calibration failures” make sure to let the unit warm during 1 hour.
Then, make sure to proceed if needed with a few additional successive calibration phases to confirm if things seem to be improving.
In case some calibration failures keeps on occurring after having proceeded with these steps, we would suggest you to ensure also trying to:
- Power OFF the unit and unplug it from its power source
- Then let it rest for a few hours
- Power it back on again, and then proceed with further calibrations to confirm if this still occurs or not.
Debug mode may sometimes be useful to either isolate any potential faulty voice, or proceed with the deletion of stored calibration values which may lead in some situations to some troubles.
To use the "Debug mode", press at the same time Motion "Rec Arm" + "Morphée" Mode buttons:
The message "Debug Mode ON" should then be displayed on the screen.
To exit “Debug mode”, just press one more time both Motion "Rec Arm" + "Morphée" Mode buttons.
To proceed with the deletion of the currently stored calibration values:
- First open the “Debug mode” as explained above.
- Then, to enter the "Reset Voice calibration" menu, you'll have to Press and Hold at the same time the "VCO1", "VCO2", and "Noise" buttons located in the Mixer section (in the precise order mentioned).
- You'll then have four options:
- (1) VCO calib Reset
- (2) VCF calib Reset
- (3) VCA calib Reset
- (4) All Reset
- Press button (1) below the display to proceed with the VCO values deletion.
- Press button (2) to proceed with the VCF values deletion.
- Or press button (4) to proceed with the deletion of all values at once (including VCA values).
From there, while still having made sure that the unit is properly warmed up, make sure to proceed with a few other calibrations ("All" or at least the ones you deleted stored values).
Still in "Debug mode" (refer to the dedicated accordion above):
- Enter the "Voice debug" mode with a long press on the "Polyphony" button.
- The triggered voice should be now displayed on the screen.
You should then be able to clearly confirm which voice isn't behaving properly after cycling voices by depressing the same note repeatedly.
Make sure to confirm that after loading an “Init Patch” as described in the “Important aspects” section of the article.
If you've already attempted all the suggestions contained here, and if none of them seem to be helping resolving the currently encountered issues, make sure to reach our support team which will help guide you in order to have your unit handled and serviced if necessary.