When facing issues along with Standalone instruments/plugins or FXs plugins, it is a good practice to start by attempting deleting preferences files in case such would help resolving them.
Such can be easily done from the Arturia Software Center as showed on the video below.
Keep in mind that doing so will delete the following settings:
-Midi controller selection and Midi Mapping
-Audio device selection and Audio settings (Sample Rate & Buffer size)
-Tempo setting (Standalone only)
-Last selected preset
-GUI size and Skin settings
-Startup Tutorials (if on or off)
If you created any custom MIDI mappings for instruments/effects, make sure to back them up with the "Preferences" -> "MIDI" -> "MIDI Config" -> "Export current preset" function located in the side-panel of the instrument.
Access to the Product Detail
Make sure to first close your DAW and the instrument's standalone app if any are running.
- Launch the Arturia Software Center:
- Open the Product detail panel by clicking on the concerned software from "My Products" section:
Clean Preferences
-Now expand the bottom-right drop-down menu and click on "Clean Prefs":
-Preferences should now be reset.
-You can open your software once again to confirm if the issue is resolved.
If you would like to proceed with a manual deletion of the preferences files, please refer to the following article: