Before diving in
If you haven't yet checked out our Arturia Software Center (ASC) - Troubleshoot FAQ article, please follow this link to get acquainted with our Important Recommendations and the Error Codes Summary.
There are two kind of issues possibly occuring when downloading one of our software products:
1) Issues during the download phase (before it reaches 100%).
2) Issues at the end of the download process:
- once it's reached 100%,
- when the installation phase starts,
- or during the installation phase.
Solutions are different for each situation and operating system.
Please refer to the following sections based on the situation you're in.
First make sure to confirm if right-clicking on the ASC and choosing Run as administrator seems to help or not.
Then, if the issue persists, try to change the Arturia Software Center download folder location.
To do so, in the ASC, go to Preferences, and then to the Advanced section.
Once there, adjust the Downloads Folder path as desired:
Make sure to also check if downloading and installing the related individual installer from this page is fine.
If any problem occurs, you can try to download the installer from another web browser.
When facing download issues on macOS, the first thing to do is check that the ASC is properly allowed to have Full disk Access.
To do so, go in your System settings, then to Privacy & Security, to finally click on Full Disk Access.
If the ASC doesn't have Full Disk Access, make sure to click on the lock, and then on the + to select the Arturia Software Center in your application folder.
Make sure to also check if downloading and installing the related individual installer from this page is fine.
If any problem occurs, you can try to download the installer from another web browser.
When facing issues at the end of the download process on Windows, there are a few things you can do:
- right-click on the Arturia Software Center, choose "Run as an administrator", and proceed again with the download process.
- disable Silent Install.
To disable the Silent Install, please go to the Arturia Software Center, My Preferences, and open the Advanced tab.
- enable Silent Install (if already disabled).
- download the individual installer from this page.
Make sure to right-click on the individual installer, and choose Run as an administrator.
One of the common issues is the Download paused issue.
If you're in this situation, make sure to type in your macOS login info in the Install Helper pop-up window.
If this doesn't work, please follow these steps:
- 1) Open your terminal by going first to Applications, and then to the Utilities folder.
- 2) Then, paste "sudo launchctl load -w /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.Arturia.InstallHelper.plist" in your terminal, and press enter.
- 3) Enter your User Session/Account password, and press Enter again.
Please note that your password is not shown on the screen. It is absolutely normal.
Please make sure that you enter it correctly.
- 4) Restart your mac, and try downloading the installer again.
If you're facing the "Path had bad ownership/permissions Load failed: 122: Path had bad ownership/permissions" error message when typing the command line, try typing the following command line to correct ownership and permission issues.
→ sudo chown root:wheel /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.Arturia.InstallHelper.plist
If com.Arturia.InstallHelper.plist is not on your computer, you may see the following message.
If it's the case, please refer to the FAQ article on the manual uninstall and reinstall of the Arturia Software Center.
From there, check if the needed file was properly installed where it should be.