Before diving in
If you haven't yet checked out our Arturia Software Center (ASC) - Troubleshoot FAQ article, please follow this link to get acquainted with our Important Recommendations and the Error Codes Summary.
You may face synchronization issues/machine registration failed errors when trying logging through the ASC, if:
- Your computer/machine is not properly registered as expected.
- The related machine information stored on our side is not matching with your current computer/machine.
If this is a case, you should see either the "Machine registration failed" error message, or the "Licenses synchronization failed" error message.
Below are the three main potential reasons leading to these two errors:
- Time/Date servers issues,
- Special characters/emojis contained in your Computer name,
- Permissions/ownership/administrator rights issues.
Please refer to the following sections to solve these issues.
Make sure that your computer is being properly synced to an Official Time server.
This way, the date and time should be properly defined depending on your time zone.
The simplest solution is to choose "Set Date and Time Automatically".
The first reason may be related to the fact that your "Computer Name" may possibly contain some special characters or some emojis not supported by the Arturia Software Center.
In such case, simply editing your "Computer Name" and removing these should be enough to resolve the issue.
Make sure to refer to the articles below to understand how to change your computer name.
Once done, make sure to first restart your computer before trying to log once again on your account through the Arturia Software Center.
First, make sure to open the ASC with a right-click, and choose "Run as an administrator".
If this doesn't help, try creating a new User account with administrator rights to check if the issue is isolated to your current User profile.
You can check out this article if you don't know how to create a local user account.
In case your current machine was already registered on our servers, you can try unregistering it. It could help get it properly registered on the next opening of the Arturia Software Center.
Here is how to do so:
- Sign in our your Arturia account on our website.
- Go to the MyProducts section.
- Open a product tab by clicking on See More.
- Select the computer you would like to unregister, click on the X, and confirm the Machine deletion.
First, go to the System Settings, Privacy & Security , open the Privacy tab, and make sure that the Arturia Software Center has the Full disk access.
If not, make sure to click on the lock icon, and then, use the + symbol to select the Arturia Software Center in your Application folder.
If needed, you can also manually check and correct the permissions/ownership as follows:
- First, close the Arturia Software Center if running.
- In Finder, go to "/Library/".
- Right-click on the ArturiaSC folder, and select Get Info.
- Set the permissions to Read and Write for all the owners, as shown below.
Make sure that Me is in the list, and has the same permissions.
- Click on Apply to enclosing items (you might have to click on the lock to change the permissions).
- Once done, open the Arturia Software Center once again, and try activating your license.